Can I Eat Before Oral Sedation Dentistry?

October 24, 2022

If you are anxious about your upcoming dental procedure, your Terre Haute sedation dentist may recommend oral sedation to help ease your nerves. Sedation can also be useful if you have to undergo a complex treatment that requires you to sit still for long periods, such as root canal therapy.

Whatever the reason, you are probably wondering now if there's anything you should do before the procedure. For example, is it okay to eat before oral sedation or would it be better to abstain yourself?

How Oral Sedation Affects Your Body

In the case of oral sedation, you will receive medicine about one hour before the procedure. The sedative will make you feel relaxed and a bit sluggish. In some cases, you may even fall asleep soon after you've taken the sedative.

The effects of the sedative can last between two and eight hours. That's why a friend or family member must accompany you so that they can drive you home after the treatment.

What Happens If You Eat Before Oral Sedation?

It's best not to eat anything for about six hours before the dental treatment. Eating too soon before your appointment can upset your stomach and make you feel nauseous during the treatment. That's not all. The sedatives could also trigger your gag reflex, making it harder for you to receive the treatment.

Keep your meals simple and light a few hours before the procedure. Try to stay away from dairy products too as they can affect your stomach and make you more prone to regurgitate.

As far as beverages go, you can drink water and some juices for up to two hours before your appointment. Stay away from caffeinated drinks, such as black and green tea, coffee, and sports drinks as these can also upset your stomach.

Plan Your Appointment Wisely

These dietary restrictions can be quite tough. That's why it's best to schedule your appointment in the morning when it's easier to keep an empty stomach. If you schedule your appointment in the late morning hours, then you will be able to drink some liquids as water and juices are easier to process by your body and don't tend to move up during the dental procedure.

What About Eating After the Sedation?

It actually depends on the type of sedative your dentist used. Talk to your dentist about it and they will give you specific instructions to avoid nausea after sedation.

Are You Worried About Your Next Dental Appointment? Talk to Us!

Are you anxious about your dental treatment and don't know how to manage your fear? Tell the dentists at Vivid Smiles about your worries and they will be able to help you and come up with the best solutions for your needs.

If you want to book an appointment with us or have a question about your dental health, you can contact us online. You can also call us at (812) 803-2340 and talk to us directly.