Can Kids Use Mouthwash?

June 10, 2023

You want to make sure that your child has good oral health. So, in addition to brushing their teeth every day and taking them to regular dental appointments, you may want to know if there are other things that you can do to protect their developing teeth. For example, is it a good idea to offer mouthwash to your child?

Well, it depends on the age of your child, the mouthwash's ingredients, and their dentist's recommendations.

Here's what you need to know.

Is Mouthwash Safe for Kids?

As we said, giving mouthwash to a kid depends on certain factors.

  • Their age: The American Dental Association recommends waiting until your child is at least six years old before they can use mouthwash. That's because kids younger than this don't have the ability to spit the mouthwash out and swallowing too much of it can be dangerous. Ingesting large quantities of mouthwash can lead to nausea and even alcohol poisoning if the mouthwash is not alcohol-free.
  • The ingredients: If your child is older than six years old and has good swallowing reflexes and motor control, then you can consider introducing mouthwash to their oral hygiene routine. However, make sure that the mouthwash is age appropriate and doesn't contain any alcohol.
  • The dentist's recommendations: Even if mouthwash is labeled for toddlers, make sure to discuss it with your kid's Terre Haute pediatric dentist. They can make recommendations based on your child's oral health and offer tips on how to properly use mouthwash.

How Can Using Mouthwash Help My Child's Oral Health?

If your child is old enough, introducing mouthwash into their oral hygiene routine can bring numerous benefits:

  • A more in-depth cleaning: Mouthwash can reach the nooks and crannies that brushing or flossing might miss, ensuring a more thorough clean.
  • Cavity protection: Some mouthwashes contain fluoride, which strengthens the enamel and makes teeth more resistant to cavities.
  • Reduces plaque: Mouthwash can help to reduce the build-up of plaque on a child's teeth.
  • Freshens breath: Mouthwash can also help to keep a child's breath fresh by killing bacteria that cause bad breath.
  • Prevents gum disease: Because it kills the bacteria in the mouth, mouthwash can also help to prevent gum disease.

Talk to Vivid Smiles About Mouthwash for Your Kid

Keep in mind that mouthwash can have amazing benefits (if age-appropriate,) but it shouldn't replace brushing, flossing and regular dental check-ups. It's just an addition to all the hard work you are already doing and won't dramatically change your child's oral health overnight, but help maintain it a bit better.

Are you not sure if allowing your child to use mouthwash is a good idea? The team at Vivid Smiles can make personalized recommendations after examining your child's oral health.  

Want to learn more? Get in touch with our team and schedule an appointment with Dr. Roshini Durga Paruchuri or Dr. Nilanchal Sahai.