What Causes White Spots on Baby Teeth?

July 10, 2023

Picture this:

You're playing with your child and while they smile at you, you notice some strange white spots on their teeth. Immediately, you become concerned.

Have these spots been there for long? What could the reason be? And, what do they mean for their oral health?

Find out all the answers in this short article from Vivid Smiles.

Reasons for White Spots on Baby Teeth

White spots on a baby's teeth can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • Fluorosis: This is a condition that can occur if your child ingested too much fluoride. If they don't spit properly after brushing their teeth and they're swallowing too much fluoride, then that can lead to discoloration or white spots.
  • Enamel Hypoplasia: This is a condition that affects the normal development of enamel. It can be genetic, meaning that if someone in your family has it, your child may also have a weaker enamel. However, it can also be caused by nutritional deficiencies or premature birth.
  • Demineralization: More often than not, white spots on baby teeth are a sign of demineralization. This can occur due to poor oral hygiene. If your child doesn't have good oral hygiene habits, plaque will build up on their teeth. The bacteria present in the plaque will absorb the minerals from the tooth's surface, leaving behind white spots.
  • Early Tooth Decay or Cavities: Often, the white spots can be an indication of the early stages of tooth decay. These spots develop especially along the gumline or between the teeth.
  • Trauma or Injury: If a tooth is injured or there is trauma to the tooth, this can disrupt the normal enamel formation, leading to white spots.

What to Do if You Notice White Spots on Baby Teeth

If you notice white spots on your baby's teeth, the first and most important thing you should do is schedule an appointment with a Terre Haute pediatric dentist at Vivid Smiles for preventive care. They will examine your baby's teeth, and provide a diagnosis and the right treatment, such as fluoride treatment or dental sealants.

It's also important to ensure that your child has great oral hygiene. That means brushing their teeth twice a day using an appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste and flossing if they have two teeth that touch.

You should also limit the amount of sugary foods and drinks your child has and offer them more fresh fruits and veggies.

Schedule Your Child's Appointment at Vivid Smiles

Early intervention is key to preventing more serious dental problems, so don't delay seeking professional advice if you're concerned about white spots on your baby's teeth.

At Vivid Smiles, you can rest assured that your little one will be in excellent care. We offer fantastic oral health care in a friendly and relaxing environment for your kid.

Contact us to book your child's next appointment.