When Do Babies Go to the Dentist?

April 24, 2023

A question we get asked a lot here at Vivid Smiles is:

"When should I schedule my child's first appointment?"

And the answer always is: the sooner, the better.

Most parents are surprised when they hear that as they think that their kid's baby teeth don't need as much care. That's not true at all.

Allow us to elaborate.

The First Dental Visit

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that parents schedule their child's first dental visit within six months after their first tooth appears or by their first birthday. This is called preventive dentistry and it's crucial because it allows the dentist to check for any dental problems, assess your child's oral hygiene routine, and provide advice on how to care for your child's teeth and gums properly.

During the first dental visit, your Terre Haute pediatric dentist will examine your child's mouth and teeth, looking for any signs of decay or other dental problems. They will also evaluate your child's risk of developing dental problems and discuss preventive measures such as fluoride treatment.

Preparing Your Child for the First Dental Visit

Your child may be a bit anxious about their first dental appointment, so it's important to reassure them that they are safe. Here are some tips that can help turn their visit into a positive and stress-free event:

  • Talk to your child about the visit, explaining what they can expect and reassuring them that it won't hurt.
  • Read books or watch videos about going to the dentist to help your child feel more comfortable.
  • Bring your child's favorite toy or blanket to the appointment to provide comfort and distraction.

If your child is particularly anxious, you can ask the dentist about options such as nitrous oxide or sedation to help them relax during the appointment.

How to Take Care of Your Child's Oral Health

Your dentist will provide lots of tips on how to properly care for your child's oral health. This includes brushing techniques, the type of toothpaste you should use, and when you can start flossing. They will also advise you to limit sugary snacks and drinks, which can contribute to tooth decay.

The dentist will also recommend that your child comes for a check-up and cleaning every six months. These appointments allow the dentist to monitor your child's oral health and provide any necessary treatment.

Schedule Your Child's First Dental Visit with Us!

If you are looking for kind and compassionate dentists in Terre Haute, IN, the team at Vivid Smiles is here for you. We will ensure that your child has great oral health and will provide treatment in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Get in touch with us right now to book your child's first dental appointment. You can also call us directly (812) 803-2340 and tell us more about your problem.