When Does Jaw Pain Become an Emergency?

January 10, 2022

Experiencing jaw pain is never normal. Unfortunately, there can be a lot of different causes to why your jaw is hurting, it's difficult for people to determine if they have an emergency or not.

If you are experiencing jaw pain, you should see a dentist right away for a consultation and to see why this is happening. But, here are some signs that your jaw pain warrants a visit sooner rather than later.

Telling Signs Your Jaw Pain Is an Emergency

Look for these symptoms to know if your jaw pain is an emergency:

  • The pain is intense and too much to handle
  • The pain spreads to other areas of the body, such as the neck or the face
  • You find it difficult to eat, talk, or otherwise move your mouth and jaw
  • You notice swelling
  • You have a fever

A lot of the time, you can experience an episode of jaw pain that goes away as quickly as it appears. While these are not cases that warrant an emergency visit, you should still get it looked at, especially if this episode tends to repeat itself after certain triggers.

Usually, a dental emergency is a case where you experience severe symptoms that do not alleviate no matter what you do and can seem to be getting worse as time progresses. Book an appointment right away if this is the case.

What Causes Jaw Pain?

Jaw pain can be a telling symptom of lots of different issues:

  • Tooth grinding, which usually occurs while you sleep, meaning the pain is worse right after you wake up
  • Injuries to the jaw area
  • Infections
  • Headaches or toothaches
  • Arthritis
  • Wisdom tooth erupting improperly
  • Gum disease, etc.

Because the causes of jaw pain are so vast, it makes it all the more important not to ignore your symptoms. Pain can be subjective, so if your pain symptom seems manageable, you should still see a specialist for a consultation.

Leaving your jaw pain unchecked can have serious repercussions for your health. For example, if your jaw pain is caused by teeth grinding, you will likely need a mouthguard to wear while you sleep. This will not only reduce your jaw discomfort but also prevent serious and permanent damage to your teeth.

The same goes for tooth infection or gum disease. The more you wait, the more damage these issues can cause your teeth and health, apart from the current jaw discomfort.

Experiencing Jaw Pain? Vivid Smiles Is Here To Help

If you notice pain or tension in your jaw, Vivid Smiles is here to help you address it. Our emergency services are available any time you have an urgent need that cannot wait for a regular appointment.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Roshini Durga Paruchuri or Dr. Nilanchal Sahai online, or call us at (812) 803-2340 right away in case of emergencies.